Plansmith Blog

We've Walked in Your Shoes

Written by Megan Plis | 9/20/19 7:35 PM

Running a successful business, like anything worthwhile in life, is difficult. Of course, the same can be said for operating a bank or credit union.

There's never enough time in a day to get everything done. The amount of work per number of hands to accomplish it isn't equitable. The number of new regulations versus training bandwidth is not even close to on par.

Does this sound familiar? Like I've worked in the trenches of a community financial institution?

If so, it's because I have. I was a Customer Service Representative (CSR) at a Wisconsin-based community bank during my college career. It was the absolute best job I could have asked for during college. My hours were flexible, my coworkers were wonderful mentors, and I learned firsthand how to treat customers the way they deserved to be treated - a skill I apply to every professional and personal relationship I engage in to this day.

Why do I bring this up, seven years post graduation?

Because some things never change. Especially in banking. And that's the point.

At Plansmith, most of us have worked in a financial institution at some point in our lives. We've been there, done that, talked with regulators, bit our nails during exams, worked the Saturday shift so customers received the best service possible - if you relate, you know I could go on and on.

When you read our emails and they resonate, it's because we know.

When we create content and it hits home, it's because it comes from personal experience.

When we tell you we understand what you're going through and we're here to help, it's because we care and we know what it's like.

From CSR to Bank President to NCUA Examiner, our employees have unique and diverse experiences with fulfilling all levels of community financial needs.

That's why we're confident in our ability to grow your business, together.

If you'd like to partner with a company built on the same principles your organization is built on - pillars like honesty, respect, humility, and customer service - then call us and talk to a real person who's been there.

We're here to help you compete, earn, and grow in a rapidly changing economic landscape.