Plansmith Blog

There is No Secret Sauce

Posted by Sue West on 12/27/17 10:32 AM

We all like to start the new year with aspirations to renew, realign, and regain control of our world.

I don’t know about you, but those words just get me pumped.

Some of our declarations are of a personal nature, while others may be professionally or financially driven. No matter what they are, we deeply believe that they are an important measure of our success.

Why is it then, almost immediately after setting such goals, we start to doubt them and anticipate the obstacles that lie ahead? Perhaps it’s because we know success comes from hard work. And we already work hard every day, don’t we? You know there’s no quick fix, no shortcut to getting there, but how do you stop this self-defeating pattern and come to terms with this fact: there is no secret sauce. What’s going to be different this time around?

This year I suggest rather than examining our efficiencies, we focus on our people.

To be successful requires you to surround yourself with good people. We need solid relationships inside and outside of our workplace environment. Colleagues don’t simply support one another blindly, but have the ability to remain objective enough to make a difference. We must share ideas and look for new opportunities to be successful and not be afraid to try. We need to partner with people and organizations that truly care about our success as much as they do their own.

You and these partners become your own secret sauce for success. Each ingredient is unique and necessary to reaching your goal. Just as others are needed for your success, YOU are equally needed for theirs. Each of us are connected and are an integral part of each other’s personal and professional achievements.

This year, join me by adding these intentions to your New Year’s resolution: to broaden friendships, seek out the creative nature of personal and professional partners, learn to grow, and pay it forward. And remember, your secret is safe with me.

Thank you for being a part of our success, and may we continue to be part of yours.

Sue West



 Happy New Year from each of us at Plansmith


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