Plansmith Blog

Charting Growth: The Compass of Goal Setting in Financial Institutions

Posted by Craig Hartman on 5/24/24 12:00 PM

For banks and credit unions, navigating the ever-evolving financial landscape requires more than just intuition and experience. It demands a clear vision, a roadmap etched with achievable goals, and a dedicated pursuit of those objectives. Goal setting emerges as the compass guiding organizations through market volatility, technological disruptions, and changing customer expectations. Effective goal setting empowers banks and credit unions to not only survive but thrive in a dynamic financial ecosystem.

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The Power of Playbooks: A Blueprint for Success

Posted by Craig Hartman on 1/11/24 11:19 AM

In the face of complexity and uncertainty, human instinct seeks order and guidance. A playbook, whether etched on ancient clay tablets or stored in modern cloud servers, provides this very structure. It transcends a mere collection of rules; it's a living document, a distilled wisdom of past experiences, offering a roadmap for navigating future challenges. The benefits of a well-crafted playbook are manifold, weaving their magic across both individual and collective endeavors.

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Transform Your Budget into RESULTS in 7 Steps

Posted by Jenny Kane on 1/5/22 12:17 PM

Each January, we love to set resolutions. We painstakingly choose a lofty goal or two and optimistically embark, declaring, “this will be THE year for change!”.

Unfortunately, we often lose steam and quickly return to what is comfortable. For lack of a better term, we fail. We fail to change our approach and to reach our goals.

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When in Doubt, Peel the Onion

Posted by Sue West on 9/8/21 8:58 AM

Although we develop software to mathematically convert ideas into measurable outcomes, we have always viewed Plansmith as an education company. Not education as in ‘a + b = c,’ but in the way relationships and behaviors drive a financial outcome. This year, we are introducing a new educational solution called Budget Playbook. This online tool connects vision with purpose and execution to help you reach your budget targets. At Plansmith, we use Budget Playbook to dive into the relationship between ideation and plan execution to foster communication and drive better results.

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