Plansmith Blog

Don’t Just Budget, Control Your Results

Branch Profitability

Product Profitability and Funding

Managing Adversity: A Framework for Success

Charting Growth: The Compass of Goal Setting in Financial Institutions

Staying Agile in 2024: The Importance of Liquidity Management

Margin Risk Tolerance: How Much Risk Can your Financial Institution Afford?

Liquidity: Read all about it!

The Power of Playbooks: A Blueprint for Success

Ask an Expert: Top Priorities for 2024

Three Most Frequent Pitfalls of Interest Rate Risk Management Programs

Surge Deposits: Straight Up with a Twist

Branch Profitability

Planning: Many Aspects, One Purpose

Control Performance: Best Practices for Financial Institutions

The Importance of Experimentation in Financial Institution Planning

Asset Liability Management and the Link to Bank Failures

Why Choose Plansmith for Your Budgeting and Forecasting Needs?

Liquidity: Read all about it!

Welcome Peter How, Planning Advisor!

CECL 2023: Where Does Your Financial Institution Stand?

Surge Deposits: Here We Go Again

Stress-Free Budget Building

Planning: Many Aspects, One Purpose

Adjust to Changing Economic Environments in 6 Steps

Three Considerations for Rising Rates in 2022

Help! The Rates Ate My Budget

3 Big Misconceptions of CECL in 2022

Peer Analysis: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

Core Planning Concepts: What Can Finance Learn from Marketing?

Transform Your Budget into RESULTS in 7 Steps

Should You Focus on CECL in 2021? The Short Answer is YES

When in Doubt, Peel the Onion

Planning Doesn’t Stop At 5:00 On Friday

What Your Board Needs to Know and How to Train Them

PPP Loans: Your Top 3 Questions Answered!

Fresh Tips for Successful Budgeting

Turn Your Budget into a Plan

Looking Forward to 2021: Happy New Year

The Outsourcing Dilemma: Time, Cost, and Control

Virtual Compass Roundtable

Negative Interest Rates Explained

NEW! Client Spotlight Episode 1: Richwood Bank

3 Activities to Start ASAP This Fall

Gratitude in Crisis Times

My Budget Is Done, Now What?

How to excel without Excel

Reforecasting: Planning for Real Life

Managing Consolidated Performance Objectives: Why A Unified Software Platform Is So Important

4 Reasons You Shouldn’t Wait to Implement CECL

3 Reasons to Revisit Your IRR Policy Limits

Planning: Crisis and Recovery

Why Shouldn’t My Financial Institution Use a Budgeting Program That Transcends Industries?

Key ALM/IRR Activities to Perform in 2020

Surge Deposits: R.I.P. (2018-2019)

Wayne Gretzky, the Barber Shop, and Your Contingency Funding Plan… What They Have In Common, and What You Should Be Doing NOW - Part II

Wayne Gretzky, the Barber Shop, and Your Contingency Funding Plan… What They Have In Common, and What You Should Be Doing NOW - Part I

Planning In Crisis Conditions

How Will Rate Changes Impact Your Budget?

Communicate Your Numbers Like a PRO!

The 4 Big Backtesting Questions Revisited

Stop Budgeting and Start Planning

Turn Your Budget into Action

Do It Yourself CECL

Plansmith: Budgeting, Asset Liability Management, CECL & Strategy

Compass 2-Day Event: What to Expect if You Attend!

4 Reports for Analyzing & Understanding IRR

Regulatory Expectations: IRR & Liquidity

The Real Reasons to Outsource Your IRR

One Less Thing to Worry About

We've Walked in Your Shoes

The Worst Budgeting Advice We've Ever Heard

5 Ways Plansmith Simplifies Your Budgeting Process

The Top 3 Lunch 'n Learns to Review for 2019

Top 3 Takeaways on the WARM Method from the April 11, 2019 ‘Ask the Regulators’ CECL Webinar

Featured Guest: Spotlight Financial

What is Managing Your Own IRR Really Costing You?

Putting the “Live” in ICBA Live 2019

A Response to the FDIC: Brokered Deposits and High-Rate Deposits

Understand the Behavior of Interest Rate Risk

Is Compass Advanced Coaching Right For You?

Another Great Year

Influential Women in Business 2018

On Thanksgiving...

Compass 2-Day Event: September 2018

Client Success Stories: Those Who Inspire Us

Planning for Change: A Lesson from Charles Darwin

The Unexpected Tie Between Bankers & Boy Scouts

15 Ways an Outside Facilitator Can Save Your Next Strategic Planning Session

5 Simple Tweaks to Build a Better Strategic Plan

Why “E-Learning” Is Succeeding

The Most Important Variance – Where You Will Be

How We Improved Strategic Planning at Plansmith

Your budget is NOT your Strategic Plan

Why Regulators Care About Surge Deposits (And You Should, Too!)

Bipartisan Banking: It's About Time

Bankers: Are You Considering a New Branch Location?

Change Isn't What It Used To Be

5 Things Your Strategic Plan is Probably Missing

3 Reasons Outsourcing Your IRR is the Smart Choice

The Top 3 Lunch 'n Learns to Review for 2018

There is No Secret Sauce

Strategy Lessons From a Chess Grandmaster

The 3 Biggest Missed Opportunities of Social Media

The 3 Reasons Strategic Plans Fail

3 Key Components in Outsource IRR Analysis

Budget Reforecasting for Financial Institutions

Forgotten Components of Interest Rate Risk at Community Banks

Social Media Best Practices for Banks

Marketing to the Inundated Customer

Planning Never Stops

Customer Service and Social Media: A Lesson For Banks

Why Your Community Bank Needs Social Media

The Community Bank Strategic Planning Experiment: Using Your Model To Prepare for Rising Interest Rates

How is Your Bank Planning for the Millennial Takeover?

The FMS Forum: A Sneak Peek of My Talk on Millennial Employees

3 Steps to #Social Video

3 Ways to Build an Engaged Strategic Planning Team

Planning to Build Trust in Your Bank

Run Your Meeting Like a Sales Pro: The Up-Front Contract

Focus on Customers Not Commodities

Does Your Bank Look Trustworthy?

Surge Deposits: 3 Regulatory Expectations

Torque Guest Post: How proposal software is defining our brand

Answered: Bankers' 5 Most Painful Questions about Backtesting

OCC: Risks Facing National Banks & Federal Savings Associations

The Loyalty Benefit: 5 Steps to Win Back Business

The Loyalty Benefit: 5 Steps to Improve Client Retention

Learning to Lead: 5 Things a Leader Must Learn

3 Ways to Reward Your Employees (And I'm Not Talking Money!)

Another Reason to do Strategic Planning

5 Tools Everyone In The Banking Industry Should Be Using

Think | Plan | Execute

4 Parts of an Effective Interest Rate Risk Management Program

Bankers: The Case for Mentorship & Continuing Education

3 Ideas Out of the Wells Fargo Scandal

FinTech & The Generational Melting Pot Effect

True or False: Planning is a Verb?

Bank CEOs and Directors: A Few Words on Risk Appetite

Survey Results: Strategic Planning for Community Banks

Community Bank & Credit Union Forum: Compass Roundtable June 2016

CEOs: 3 Thoughts on Strategic Thinking

Community Bank & Credit Union Forum: Compass Roundtable March 2016

Ireland Bank: Community Banking Month Award Recipient

Oxford Bank & Trust: Community Banking Month Award Recipient

Hastings City Bank: Community Banking Month Award Recipient

1st Community Bank: Community Banking Month Award Recipient

Community Banks: Fun with Funds Transfer Pricing, Part II

5 Things Your Community Bank's Website Needs

How to Get Someone to Do What You Want

Your Email is Putting Your Bank at Risk

CEOs: 3 Important Thoughts on FinTech and Community Banking for 2016

Community Bank & Credit Union Forum: Compass Roundtable 2015

Get Your Community Bank Started with Social Media Marketing

Community Banks: The Indiana Jones Sword vs. Gun Theory

Twitter for Community Banks: Now I'm A Believer

Community Banks: Fun with Funds Transfer Pricing, Part I

When "Market Value" Really Isn't Market Value

Five Pillars of a Productive Community Bank Planning Process

Community Bank Planning is a Collaborative Activity, Part 2

Community Bank Planning is a Collaborative Activity

Community Bankers: Basel III, Confucius and Tom Hanks

Bank IRR: Backtesting…Necessary Evil or Just Evil?

How Much Risk Can Your Community Bank Afford?

Independent Review, Model Validation, and Backtesting for Community Banks

Community Bankers, There's Room For Improvement

Social Media 101: How to Get Your Community Bank Started

The Benefits of Using Social Media for Community Banks

Interest Rate Risk Is A Community Bank Behavioral Problem

Community Bankers: The Most Popular Posts of 2014

2014: Plansmith's Year In Review

The Future Risk in Community Banking

Community Bankers: Year-End is Almost Here!

Community Banks, Budget Your Time!

Community Banks: Establish Goals and Contingency Funding Plans, Part 2

Community Banks: Establish Goals and Contingency Funding Plans

Community Banks: Bring Meaning to the Numbers

Do You Balance Your Community Bank's Checkbook?

What Happens In Vegas...

Is Your Community Bank Ready For Rising Rates?

Why Community Bank ALCOs Fail: Staffing the ALCO

Why Community Bank ALCOs Fail: The Wrong Tools

Why Community Bank ALCOs Fail: An Unclear Purpose

A Tech In Community Bank’s Clothing

Community Bankers, Use Scenarios to Reduce Uncertainty

Community Bankers, Aloha and Mahalo!

Communication is Paramount to Achieving Community Bank Objectives

Two Tickets to Washington D.C.

Of Bulls and Bears (Deuxième Partie)

Of Bulls and Bears (and I’m not talking Chicago sports here)

Strategic Planning in Community Banks 101

Forecasting Makes Community Bank Budgeting Quick and Easy

Precision vs Accuracy for Community Banks

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