Plansmith Blog

Of Bulls and Bears (and I’m not talking Chicago sports here)

Posted by Tom Parsons on 2/24/14 9:00 AM

A new request list and questionnaire from the OCC is making its way around the banking community and the NCUA has issued one of its own. Regardless of who you answer to, expect more scrutiny on your asset liability management (ALM) model. For some of you this might be "old hat", but we’ve fielded calls by clients asking for interpretation of the IRR Data Collection. So, Plansmitties, and even non-Smitties, take note: there is a letter with your name on it and we’re here to help.

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Strategic Planning in Community Banks 101

Posted by Shawna Brauer on 2/11/14 6:00 PM

This past year, I sent my oldest off to college for the first time. Amid the tears (ours) and shouts of joy (hers) there was much hard work, paperwork and check writing involved to get her to this point. And while we want her to celebrate what she has already accomplished, we also want her to focus on the details needed to get her to the next milestone - College Graduation. Fortunately, she does have a mandatory Strategy 101 class that – among other things - requires her to map out her course schedule for the next four years. The focus is not to create a roadmap that she should not deviate from, but rather to get her thinking about how to build in nice-to-haves (study abroad), plan for some "what-ifs" (change of interests), and to regularly check back in to see if she is staying on course or needs to alter her path.

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Forecasting Makes Community Bank Budgeting Quick and Easy

Posted by Shawna Brauer on 1/14/14 11:00 AM

Did you get a chance to read Tom’s blog titled "Precision vs. Accuracy"? He makes some great points about how Planning is Preparation, and compares poor preparation to an annoying traffic situation he encountered. The driver behind him was honking at him to hurry up because he hadn’t planned adequately for the time required to drive to his destination.

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Precision vs Accuracy for Community Banks

Posted by Tom Parsons on 12/27/13 12:30 PM

I’m compelled to relate planning to everyday activity – after all, just because we are bankers, doesn’t mean we don’t experience life’s little pleasures (or displeasures) any more than, say, your average commuter. Today, while legally stopped in a left turn lane, waiting for traffic to clear before proceeding to Plansmith’s office, a man honked and gesticulated wildly because I didn’t pull into the intersection and ready myself for the turn. Never mind I couldn’t make the turn anyway. Conclusion: he didn’t plan well. If he was in a hurry, he should have planned to leave earlier, thereby beating me to the turn light where he, too, would sit and wait for traffic to clear. Maybe he took a different route from home, or maybe I did, causing this situation (I did stop at the dry cleaners – HA! solved).

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To Blog or Not to Blog

Posted by Tom Parsons on 12/20/13 11:30 AM

Almost daily we at Plansmith are asked "what are your other community bank and credit union clients doing about this and that?" or "how do most of your community bank and credit union clients do blah, blah, blah?" (I’m surprised spell and grammar checker didn’t scold me about that technical term). Frankly, we do hear a lot from our clients, and capture some of it, but with over 30 of us at Plansmith talking to you on a regular basis, it’s hard to coordinate, store and apply all of that useful information.

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