Plansmith Blog

A Tech In Community Bank’s Clothing

Posted by Ricardo Pena on 5/22/14 3:30 PM
The road to profitability begins with a very simple concept. An asset is acquired at a certain value X and it is sold at a value Y where Y is greater than X and the difference between the two gets you going. This is a concept that is very simple indeed. But this post isn’t a narrative about the arithmetic involved in generating profits; rather it is a discussion that begins with examining the nature of the assets being bought and sold, which is money.

Non-financial businesses ranging from the humble lemonade stand to the behemoth WalMart are easy to understand. The assets being transacted are, for the most part, quite tangible. It is easy to understand that something is manufactured, it is delivered to a retail place of business, it is stored in a warehouse as a portion of inventory, it is displayed on a shelf and it is ultimately purchased by people like you and me to put in a bag to take home. The equivalent chain of distribution can be identified in banking but there is one big difference that makes it all the more complicated. It is the fact that the product, being money in its many different forms, is not something you see, feel, taste, hear, or smell in any direct way.

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Community Bankers, Aloha and Mahalo!

Posted by Brett Hendricks on 4/14/14 11:00 AM
Wow - what a fantastic trip to the 2014 ICBA in Honolulu this past March. It was a long way to travel but given this year’s weather, a little time in the sun mixed with one of my favorite conventions could not have come at a better time.

I would like to extend a sincere thank you to all of our clients and prospective clients that stopped by the Plansmith booth and took a few minutes to talk with me and my colleague, Ron Trice. In an era of endless emails, conference calls and web presentations it is always nice to put a face to a name and shake hands with all of you. If you didn’t come by the booth but happened to see the two tall guys in the loudest most obnoxious Hawaiian shirts ever - yes, that was us.

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Communication is Paramount to Achieving Community Bank Objectives

Posted by Sue West on 4/7/14 10:30 AM
Tell me about your business. What is your organization like today? How did it get there? How is it managed? Where do you see it going and how are you planning to get there? What obstacles are in your way? Tell me about your business.

When I ask this of a financial institution, I usually receive balance sheets and risk reports. Most people immediately think ‘numbers’ when you mention planning. I challenge you to think differently, think communication. Tell me about your business.

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Of Bulls and Bears (Deuxième Partie)

Posted by Tom Parsons on 3/7/14 5:00 AM

Last week we covered the first half of the OCC letter requesting information from client banks on their interest rate risk (IRR) model. Along with the letter, you may have run across some forms to be filled in with results from your model. This post and the accompanying webinar are meant to clarify the letter and terminology. Separately, but related, we have produced a video and guide for completing the OCC EV IRR Data Form for Financial Compass Clients (to be released soon).

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Of Bulls and Bears (and I’m not talking Chicago sports here)

Posted by Tom Parsons on 2/24/14 9:00 AM

A new request list and questionnaire from the OCC is making its way around the banking community and the NCUA has issued one of its own. Regardless of who you answer to, expect more scrutiny on your asset liability management (ALM) model. For some of you this might be "old hat", but we’ve fielded calls by clients asking for interpretation of the IRR Data Collection. So, Plansmitties, and even non-Smitties, take note: there is a letter with your name on it and we’re here to help.

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